Monday, March 7, 2011

Project Statement: Flexible Space to Follow Function

After studying the existing plan, we observed different user-massing in specific areas. By creating 4 unique zones, Retail + Office + Event, Warehouse, Volunteer Area and Community Outdoor Space, we were able to personalize the character of each zone to relate to the specific user[s] involved. Each zone had special needs that inherently personalized them utilizing the efficiency and function within each zone separately creates stronger adjacencies and flexible possibilities for the related programs. The circulation flow in each zone depends on adjacencies between the specific zoned programs. The circulation within zones works collectively to create a link between all zoned areas. We also wanted to create more opportunities for community awareness and gathering with the addition of a larger nutritional education area and community outdoor space. Enlarging the nutritional education area will allow us to open up the space to the shopping area, providing a steadier stream of nutritional knowledge to the client. We propose a community garden and picnic area in the front of ACCFB to offer a gathering area for the community.